Organisation der Nothilfe für Bhandar beginnt

Dear all

Thanks for ur concern, the situation is still not settled down and everyone is worried. In Kathmandu all old houses are collapsed and till now more than 6000 person found dead.
All the kinderhouse family are safe. One houses at kinderhouse is highly damaged and other is partially effected.
In Bhandar and Those 90% houses are highly effected and all people are staying outside the houses.
Continues raining and bad weather effecting more. No support has been provided till date.
Most of the epicenter of earhquake are near to Dolakha and Ramechhap so our project area is highly effected.
I am not able to contact with Khimmak sir and his situation. My house at Bhandar is collapsed but my mom and family are safe there.

Sujan Pradhan
(Unser Koordinator vor Ort)

Wir haben zunächst einmal 5.000€ Nothilfe genehmigt und hoffen in den nächsten Tagen mit Eseln die Gegend zu erreichen, um die Bedarfe besser abschätzen zu können.

Martin Frenz, Martin Kasper

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